A study on physical strength measurement of korea during the Japanese occupation 일제강점기 조선의 체력장검정에 관한 연구
48(5) 1-10, 2009
A study on physical strength measurement of korea during the Japanese occupation 일제강점기 조선의 체력장검정에 관한 연구
The researcher investigated to understand the actual state of the Korean Physical Strength Measurement(PSM) during the Japanese occupation on exhibition operation of the PSM and its national execution, its prospectus, events, and standards. The research outcomes are as follows. First, the PSM was not regulated in Korea, however, Gyeongseong carried out exhibition operation for students, members of youths’ groups, workers of factories and companies and so forth in accordance to the regulation of the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare. The operation lasted about 2 years and 8 months and it was opportunity to understand the general physical strength of the youth. Second, the Japanese Government-General of Chosun formulated objects, ages, term and events for the national execution of the PSM test establishment a responsible department, the Department of Health and Welfare. Furthermore, training courses for examiners and teachers were held to make assurance doubly secure of the PSM. Third, the PSM tests for the age between 15 and 25(21 for the female) were carried out aiming the cultivation of imperial subject through the advancement of fitness and the tests and special tests.
Key Words
physical strength measurement, physical strength of korea, japanese occupation
Achievement and task of philosophical study on physical education and sport in korea 한국 체육철학 연구의 성과 및 과제
48(5) 11-22, 2009
Achievement and task of philosophical study on physical education and sport in korea 한국 체육철학 연구의 성과 및 과제
The philosophical study on physical education and sport have been growing steadily from 1990s in Korea. The number of articles are over 400 published in The Korean Journal of Physical Education(KAHPERD), Journal of Korean Philosophic Society for Sport and Dance(KPSSD) from 1990s till 2007. But the growing of number is not means substantial development of philosophical study on physical education and sport. Recently, the philosophic inquiry of physical education and sport in Korea run into criticisms; 1) philosophical texts on physical education and sports are not clear on the context of topic and methodology, 2) philosophy of physical education and sport should be integrated with history of physical education and sport. The criticisms come from the weakness of philosophical basis that applied to many articles. Many articles are not enough to show author's basic viewpoint clearly about being(human, body etc), knowing(knowing that, or knowing how, etc) , and value(ethic, moral, beauty etc). In other words, the assertions in that articles are closer to personal idea rather than logical argument, because that articles have not serious consideration on the philosophic attitude and the basic problems within philosophy in general. The philosophical study on physical education and sport in Korea needed to rethinking what is the philosophical issue, and how we can solve the philosophical issues philosophically.
Key Words
philosophical study on physical education and sport, ontological issues, epistemological issues, axiological issues
Sexual discrimination in sport 스포츠에서의 성의 구분
박성주SungJooPark , 김진희JinHeeKim
48(5) 25-33, 2009
Sexual discrimination in sport 스포츠에서의 성의 구분
박성주SungJooPark , 김진희JinHeeKim
Conventional notions of masculinity and femininity and of male and female bodies are troubled when girls and women are present in sport. When women play certain sports, they become strong. Strong women challenge the prevailing gender ideology that underlies the norms, legal definitions, and opportunity structures that frame and set the conditions under which men and women form identities, live their lives, and relate to each other. The norm in high-performance sport is masculine (Shogan, 1999). Then, what is wrong with women participating in the high-performance sport? Does the fact that a sport is masculine provide a moral reason for women not to engage in it or to engage in it differently or separately from men? Within sports, sexual discrimination is taken for granted. It seems that inequalities in many sports context between men and women are not explicitly defended but just taken for granted as part of the normal, cultural, and social context. In this paper, I will argue against view that the desirability or preserving distinct gender identities justifies maintaining any sort of distinction between men’s and women’s sports. The aim of this paper is to show that the features which make a sport masculine per se provide no moral grounds for women to observe any limitations on participation, or to participate separately from men.
Key Words
sexual discrimination, masculine sports, female athletes
Support on right to Learn for student-athlete: ground and alternative 학생선수의 학습권 보장: 근거와 대안
48(5) 35-44, 2009
Support on right to Learn for student-athlete: ground and alternative 학생선수의 학습권 보장: 근거와 대안
Recently, In our society it was increased to issues and concern on support right to learn for student athletes. The purpose of this study was to inquiry grounds and alternatives on learned right of student athletes in our school society. In order to achieve this purpose, I uses Delphi technique method and meta-analysis method. The results showed that a variety of reformations for student athletes were suggested. firstly, Grounds were a variety of career choices, the good life, life preparation, thinking power, educational purposes, thinking that is wrong of course, the role of student athletes. Secondly, alternatives were after-school sports, prepare for the future, two hours sport a day, three limits of national league game in years, equality applyment system of physical education department for student-athlete, introduction of minimum education method, camp change into the dormitory, consciousness change of the coaches, normal school class, weekend and vacation matches. According to the result of this study, student athletes carry out learned and sport in school. So it was realized collectedly school physical education in our society.
Key Words
right to Learn, student athlete, ground, alternative, reformation
Aristotle`s thought of physical education(10): sport and virtue of character 아리스토텔레스의 체육사상(10): 스포츠와 도덕적 덕
48(5) 45-52, 2009
Aristotle`s thought of physical education(10): sport and virtue of character 아리스토텔레스의 체육사상(10): 스포츠와 도덕적 덕
The purpose of this research was explored the necessity of sports spirit and the method of its formation in sports which is lacked ethics focused on Aristotle's theory in Nichomachean Ethics. Aristotle divides virtue(arete) into two sorts, virtue of thought and virtue of character which results from habit. Hence it is clear that none of the virtue of character arises in us naturally. Aristotle emphasizes the importance of repetition to acquire a habit of morality. It is a representative moral virtue such as sportsmanship or fair play which keeps social order up in sports. However, it is not an official rule that athletes should follow to take part in the game. In spite of the need of morality in sports which regards result seeking win as more valuable thing than process to pursue the win, it makes sport has not practically unbalance of morality. Accordingly, virtuous behavior should be habit to each athlete to take the morality, and the habit is finally achieved if athlete goes through process of repetition with practicing the virtuous behavior by themselves.
Key Words
Aristotle, sport, virtue of character, sportsmanship, fair play
A process for desocialization and re-socialization of taekwondo player’s 태권도선수의 탈사회화와 재사회화 과정
전정우JungWooJeon , 박성언SungUnPark
48(5) 53-63, 2009
A process for desocialization and re-socialization of taekwondo player’s 태권도선수의 탈사회화와 재사회화 과정
전정우JungWooJeon , 박성언SungUnPark
The purpose of this research is based on the theoretical ground of analyzation in studying the desocialization process that taekwondo players make at the end of their career and the re-socialization process that follows in participating in a new society. The studies conclusions are as follows. First, at an open coding level, a total of 97 concepts, 23 subcategories and 9 categories were drawn through concepts and categorizations. Second, at an axial coding level, a categorized analysis of paradigms were conducted. Third, at a selective coding level, through a story line, adaptation behavior of re-socialization was discovered as core category, followed by desocialization. Type analysis based on a hypothetic standardization and related statements drew 4 different types : a comfortable type, a developed type, a convertive type and a confused type. A situational model was presented in order to analyze a wide scope of situations related to taekwondo players' desocialization and re-socialization.
Key Words
Desocialization, re-socialization, grounded theory
The relationship between the abuse experiences and attitude of violence, behavior of violence among athletes 운동선수의 피학대 경험과 폭력에 대한 태도 및 폭력행동의 관계
이성철SeongCheolLee , 민병남ByungNamMin
48(5) 65-74, 2009
The relationship between the abuse experiences and attitude of violence, behavior of violence among athletes 운동선수의 피학대 경험과 폭력에 대한 태도 및 폭력행동의 관계
이성철SeongCheolLee , 민병남ByungNamMin
The purpose of this study was to examine relationship between the abuse experiences and attitude of violence, behavior of violence among athletes. In order to accomplish this study's purpose, this study surveyed 750 subjects who have been undergraduate student, corporate-team, and professional team related to sports departments in metropolitan area. Questionnaire was filled out by self-administered method and data, valid 561 subjects, was analyzed by SPSS program. Statistics used in this study were descriptive analysis, analysis of variance, correlation, multiple regressions, and path analysis. The followings are the results of this study: First, the abuse experiences of athlete affects attitude of violence. Second, the abuse experiences of athlete affects and behavior of violence. Third, attitude of violence affects behavior of violence. Fourth, the relationship between the abuse experiences of athlete and attitude of violence, behavior of violence were revealed among each other.
Key Words
abuse experiences, attitude of violence, behavior of violence
A study on the actual condition of sexual violence and the relationship between experience of sexual violence and Life adjustment of athletes 운동선수의 성폭력 경험 실태 조사 및 성폭력 경험과 운동생활적응의 관계
48(5) 75-92, 2009
A study on the actual condition of sexual violence and the relationship between experience of sexual violence and Life adjustment of athletes 운동선수의 성폭력 경험 실태 조사 및 성폭력 경험과 운동생활적응의 관계
This study was designed to investigate the athletes’ experiences of sexual violence and to find out the relationship between sexual violence and life adjustment as student-athletes. Using a stratified cluster random sampling method, subjects of this study were sampled 1,257 athletes of middle school, high schools and colleges. Significant results are as follow; First, 334(26.6%) athletes experienced sexual violence for last one year. The most frequent experience of sexual violence was sexual abuse. Second, athletes who experienced sexual violence had symptoms of insomnia, headache, and depression. Athletes who experienced sexual harassment bear and do not pretend to know, or accept joking at the time. The reason is they do not know coping with sexual harassment or feel the fear about retaliation. Third, male athletes experienced sexual harassment more frequently than female athletes. Forth, there are no significant differences of sexual violence between type of sports and athletic career. Fifth, the primary factor affecting athletes' life adjustment is helplessness, follows by interpersonal relationship.
Key Words
athletes, sexual violence, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, athletes’ Life adjustment, helplessness, interpersonal problems
Golf rounding in business relations and exchange theory 비즈니스 관계에서의 골프 라운딩과 교환이론
임수원SooWoenLim , 박현권HyunKwonPark
48(5) 93-102, 2009
Golf rounding in business relations and exchange theory 비즈니스 관계에서의 골프 라운딩과 교환이론
임수원SooWoenLim , 박현권HyunKwonPark
This research has its purpose in investigating the effects that golf games among businessmen have in achieving business goals. to do this, a qualitative research has been executed, after setting the research participants as nine amateur golfers who had the experience of playing business-purpose golf games before. relative data have been collected through in-depth interviews, and text analyses have been performed. to analyze the underlying social meanings of the business relations that are established through business-purpose golf games, propositions by homans such as distributive justice proposition, rationality proposition, deprivation-satiation proposition, and aggression-approval proposition have been applied. also, to analyze the power structures arising in the course of resource creation within an exchange network, emerson’s exchange theory has been used. additionally, through blau’s theory of inequality, we have investigated how the dominant position in business relations is reflected in the golf games played. the results showed that business-purpose golf games were fairly efficient in achieving business goals. this is possible by the fact that intimate atmosphere can be formed through the communications occurring throughout the game, and the customized shower and dinner together after the game. as a conclusion, appliance of the exchange theory on business-purpose golf games turned out to be very appropriate in explaining the regularity of business relations under various social circumstances.
Key Words
golf rounding, exchange theory, balancing strategy, norm of reciprocity
Development of standardization items for sport content value analysis 스포츠콘텐츠 가치 분석을 위한 기준항목 개발 연구
조성식SeongSikCho , 조영호YoungHoCho , 유재구JaeGuYu
48(5) 103-114, 2009
Development of standardization items for sport content value analysis 스포츠콘텐츠 가치 분석을 위한 기준항목 개발 연구
조성식SeongSikCho , 조영호YoungHoCho , 유재구JaeGuYu
This study was intended to develop the standardization items for analysis of concepts, scopes, and values of sport contents. For this study, the document study and consensus delphi method were employed. Total 10 panels participated in this study procedures which included 3 rounds of responses with open-ended type, making decision type and pre- and post- review sessions. The results were as followings. First, sport contents have a processed form through which is delivered to mass audience and in which major messages should be related to sport. And sport contents are categorized into pure-media-business contents based upon the degree of contents processing. 11 items about the concepts of sport contents were developed. Second, the essence of sport contents includes the messages and forms as a formal sport and is classified into formal-informal-virtual contents for which 12 items were proposed. Third, the standardization to measure the values of sport contents include societal, cultural, economic values and refers to original-commercial-marketable-business capable-economic-value added areas in which 40 standardization items were developed.
Key Words
sport contents, value analysis, standardization items, delphi method
The effects of middle school students` motive to use e-sports games on the flow in the cyber space and social behavior 중학생의 e-스포츠게임 이용동기가 사이버 공간의 몰입과 사회적 행동에 미치는 영향
48(5) 115-125, 2009
The effects of middle school students` motive to use e-sports games on the flow in the cyber space and social behavior 중학생의 e-스포츠게임 이용동기가 사이버 공간의 몰입과 사회적 행동에 미치는 영향
The study was aimed at proving by evidence the relationship of the effects of middle school students' motives to use e-sports games on the flow in the cyber space and their social behaviors. The study represented the population of male middle school students in B city who play e-sports games and 225 students of them who like to play the games and contend for victory were sampled by purposive sampling. The goodness of fit and the influence over other factors were examined by factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and path analysis and the result was as following. First, the escapism from the reality factor and the satisfaction factor, which are motives for the e-sports games, had a direct positive effects on the flow in the cyber space. Second, the escapism from the reality factor had an indirect positive effects on the competition factor. The satisfaction factor had a direct positive effects on the competition. The competition and misconduct factors had an indirect positive effects on the flow in the cyber space. The compensation factor had a direct negative effects on the social intercourse factor. Third, the flow in the cyber space had a direct positive effects only on the misconduct and competition factors.
Key Words
e-sports, motives to use, flow, social behaviors, cyber space, middle school students
Construct invariance and Latent means analysis of the conceptions of the nature of dance ability questionnaire 무용능력개념 검사지의 구인 동등성과 잠재평균 분석
48(5) 127-138, 2009
Construct invariance and Latent means analysis of the conceptions of the nature of dance ability questionnaire 무용능력개념 검사지의 구인 동등성과 잠재평균 분석
The purpose of the study was test whether the conceptions of dance ability questionnaire has configural, metric, and scalar invariance across high school students, college students majoring dance, and different majors of dance using multi-group confirmatory factor analysis with structural equation modeling. 964 students (536 high school students, 428 college students) were participated in the study. The second purpose was to investigate mean differences on the four factors of the conceptions of dance ability across the groups using latent means analysis. Results showed configural, metric, and scalar invariance of the four factor model of the scale indicated that the scale can be used across groups in the same way. In the latent mean analysis, college students showed significantly higher latent mean values in learning and improvement than high school students, whereas high school students showed significantly higher latent mean value in stable than college students. Students majoring in Korean traditional dance and modern dance were significantly higher in learning and improvement than ballet major students. But ballet students showed significantly higher latent mean value in stable than other dance majors.
Analysis of casual structure among self-management, achievement goal orientation, and sport coping in boxing athletes 복싱선수의 성취목표성향과 자기관리 및 스포츠대처전략의 관계
김미량MiLyangKim , 이동현DongHyunLee
48(5) 139-148, 2009
Analysis of casual structure among self-management, achievement goal orientation, and sport coping in boxing athletes 복싱선수의 성취목표성향과 자기관리 및 스포츠대처전략의 관계
김미량MiLyangKim , 이동현DongHyunLee
The purpose of the study was to verify a structural equation model that constructs the causations among self-management, achievement goal orientation, and coping style in boxing players. Data was collected from a specifically-selected group of currently playing 213 boxers including 23 national representative players, 55 payers in business teams, 11 players in the Talented Youth Group, 11 high school players, and 49 college players. The research was conducted using a survey designed on ASMQ, TEOSQ, and KASCS. Data was analyzed using SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 5.0, while the frequency analysis, factor analysis, confidence level analysis, corelation analysis, and structural equation model analysis were done. The results are as follows. First, task goal orientation had significantly effect on mental-management, personal-management, and training-management, whereas self-goal orientation had not significantly effect on self-management. Second, task goal orientation had significantly effect on problem-centered and allof; self goal orientation had significantly effect on emotion-centered and evasion. Third, self-management had partially effect on sports coping strategy, especially mental-management had significantly effect on sports coping strategy.
The effect of practice with visual occlusion on the Learning of golf putting 시각차단연습이 골프퍼팅학습에 미치는 영향
하준호JunHoHa , 박상범SangBumPark , 김태호TaeHoKim
48(5) 149-157, 2009
The effect of practice with visual occlusion on the Learning of golf putting 시각차단연습이 골프퍼팅학습에 미치는 영향
하준호JunHoHa , 박상범SangBumPark , 김태호TaeHoKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the applicability of practice with visual occlusion to the facilitation of learning closed motor skill by analyzing the effect of the practice with vision occlusion on the learning of golf-putting. 30 female college students participated as subjects, and were randomly assigned into one of three groups: visual occlusion, visual allowance, and control. After the pre-test of putting performance, subjects participated in the practice program assigned to each group for 3 days, 30 min a day. Subjects performed the immediate and delayed post-tests of putting performance 1 day and 1 week after the practice session respectively. For each test, variables reflecting the accuracy and consistency of putting performance were calculated, and analyzed by three-way ANOVAs (3 groups × 3 test sessions × 3 distances) with repeated measures on the last two factors. Analysis of the accuracy and consistency of putting performance revealed that visual occlusion group was significantly higher in the accuracy and consistency than the other groups in both immediate and delayed post-test. This result suggests that practice with visual occlusion can be an efficient intervention strategy for the learning of golf-putting.
Developing a scale for source of stress and coping styles of gymnastic judges 체조심판의 스트레스 요인 및 대처방식 척도 개발
한경임KyungImHan , 윤대현DaeHyunYun
48(5) 159-171, 2009
Developing a scale for source of stress and coping styles of gymnastic judges 체조심판의 스트레스 요인 및 대처방식 척도 개발
한경임KyungImHan , 윤대현DaeHyunYun
The purpose of this study was to develop a scale for gymnastic judges' stress sources and their coping styles. For achieving this purpose, researchers created a preliminary questionnaire on Gymnastic Judges' Stress Source and Coping Styles(GJSSCS) and conducted survey. The participants took part in this survey were 230 gymnastic judges who have the qualification for gymnastic judge(artistic gymnastics) in Korea. Among those 230 survey results, we selected 174 respondents questionnaires(male 100, female 74) with valid response to analyze. With this survey data, we performed analyses to identify the stress sources and coping styles of judges: inductive categorical analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and correlation analysis in SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 6.0. With these methodological precess, we found that scale for stress sources of the judges were composed with the factors such as ‘fear of failure(5 items),’ ‘insufficient circumstance(4 items),’ ‘objection against judging(3 items),’ ‘burdensome for judge's team(2 items)’ and ‘solicitations(2 items)’. Moreover, items for stress coping styles were classified by the factors like ‘emotional coping(4 items)', ‘self-controlling(3 items)', ‘social supporting(3 items)’ and ‘substitution(3 items).’
Key Words
gymnastic judge, stress sources, coping styles
The relationship between Leadership styles, Leader-member exchange(LMX), organizational commitment of sports marketing organization 스포츠마케팅조직의 리더십유형, 리더-부하간 교환관계(LMX), 조직몰입간의 구조적 관계
48(5) 173-183, 2009
The relationship between Leadership styles, Leader-member exchange(LMX), organizational commitment of sports marketing organization 스포츠마케팅조직의 리더십유형, 리더-부하간 교환관계(LMX), 조직몰입간의 구조적 관계
The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship between leadership styles, leader-member exchange(LMX), organizational commitment of sports marketing organization. The subjects are employees of sports marketing organization in seoul and pro-sports team. Total 160 surveys were used for the actual analysis. SPSS 13.0 and AMOS 5.0 for Windows were practiced for data processing. To verify the relationship, the verification of structural equation analysis. To verify the mediating effect, the verification of Baron & Kenny(1986) was used, and Ping(1996)'s two-step approach was used to verify the moderating effect. The results were as follows. First, leadership styles had a not significant influence organizational commitment. Second, leadership styles had a significant influence LMX. Third, LMX had a significant influence organizational commitment. Fourth, LMX mediates between leadership styles and organizational commitment. Fifth, LMX moderates between transformational leadership and organizational commitment.
The effect of online information service quality on information use of sports web-sites 온라인 정보서비스품질이 스포츠정보이용에 미치는 영향
홍석표SeokPyoHong , 유진희JinHeeYoo
48(5) 185-196, 2009
The effect of online information service quality on information use of sports web-sites 온라인 정보서비스품질이 스포츠정보이용에 미치는 영향
홍석표SeokPyoHong , 유진희JinHeeYoo
The purpose of this study was to furnish the basic empirical data for establishing marketing strategies by examining relationships among online information service quality, information use intent and information use of sport information web-sites by sports club members. 440 baseball club members were randomly sampled. Of these 440, 292 were used for data analysis. Based on confirmatory factor analysis(CFA), the model fits the data well. Based on structural equation modeling(SEM), information service quality have positive effects on both information use intent and its use. And information use intent has positive effects on information use. Finally multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine the relationships between sub-factors of information service quality and information use intent, and its use. Based on the results, only timeliness of information service has positive effects on information use intent. Timeliness and convenience of information service affect information use. Timeliness and convenience of information service affect information use prior to purchase. And convenience of information service affects ongoing information use.
Key Words
online information service quality, information use intent, information use
The relationship among innovativeness of new sports product, emotional consumption vales and adoption product 스포츠 신제품 수용의 혁신성, 감성적 소비가치 및 제품수용도의 관계
정경회KyungHoiJung , 유광길KwangKilYu
48(5) 197-206, 2009
The relationship among innovativeness of new sports product, emotional consumption vales and adoption product 스포츠 신제품 수용의 혁신성, 감성적 소비가치 및 제품수용도의 관계
정경회KyungHoiJung , 유광길KwangKilYu
The purpose of this study is to examine the connection between how people adopt new sports products and product's innovativeness, emotional consumption value, and adoption product. We selected some brands as objects of the study : 4 groups of the sports brands according to K-BPI(Korea Brand Power Index). Through convenience sampling method, I gathered 400 questionnaires from the people who lived in JEONLABUKDO and had some experiences in using sports products. Form these I selected 374 questionnaires except 26 unsuitable for this study. I conducted exploratory factor analysis with SPSS WIN. 15.0 and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model with LISREL 8.50. Followings are the results. First, the innovativeness has positive effects on esthetic reference, symbolic meaning, and hedonistic response. Second, aesthetic reference has positive effects on hedonistic response, but it has no effects on symbolic meaning. Symbolic meaning has no positive effects on hedonistic response. Third, aesthetic reference, symbolic meaning, and hedonistic response all have positive effects on adoption product.
The purpose of this research for customers to use the Screen, Screen Golf course be motivated to participate in leisure satisfaction and also the impact of reuse is to learn. To achieve this purpose subject was selected by Screen for customers to use the golf course in Seoul, Incheon and Gyeonggi-Do. Total 350 surveys were distributed and 308 samples were finally used after eliminating 42 incomplete samples. The data was analyzed by frequency analysis, reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structure equation model analysis in accordance with the purpose of the study by using SPSS Version 14.0, Amos 7.0. Following results were obtained through above analysis: First it was shown that achievement motivation of consumers at Screen-Golf had not significant influence on leisure satisfaction and reuse intention. Second, it was shown that health motivation had significant influence on leisure satisfaction but, had not significant influence reuse intention. Third, it was shown that amusement and social satisfaction had significant influence on leisure satisfaction and reuse intention. Forth, it was shown that leisure satisfaction had significant influence on reuse intention.
The Influence of professional volleyball foreign players` image on consumers` satisfaction, involvement and behavior 프로배구 외국인 선수 이미지가 팬의 관람만족, 관여도 및 소비행동에 미치는 영향
The Influence of professional volleyball foreign players` image on consumers` satisfaction, involvement and behavior 프로배구 외국인 선수 이미지가 팬의 관람만족, 관여도 및 소비행동에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to international players' image on satisfaction of spectating, participation and behave of Pro-volley ball. For purpose of this study, 334 answers were applied to analysis among distributed 350 questionnaires with exception of lightly qualified answers in the target of Users of 2008-2009 season Pro-volley ball. The date was analyzed by the Frequency analysis, Reliability analysis, Exploratory factor analysis and Confirmatory factor analysis, Correlation analysis, Structure equation model analysis in accordance with the purpose of the study by using SPSS Version 14.0 Following results were obtained through above analysis. First, the international players' image had significant influence on satisfaction. Second, the international players' image had significant influence on spectating. Third, the international players' image had significant influence on behave Fourth, the international players' image had significant influence on recommend. Fifth, the satisfaction and spectating had significant influence on behave. Sixth, the satisfaction and spectating had significant influence on behave.
Key Words
international players’ image, satisfaction, spectating, re-visit
The effect to a sport experience exhibition quality, the recognition of sport event: a case of tour de korea international cycle competition Tour de Korea 스포츠체험관 품질요인이 대회인식에 미치는 영향
이정학JeoungHakLee , 문개성KaeSungMoon
48(5) 229-237, 2009
The effect to a sport experience exhibition quality, the recognition of sport event: a case of tour de korea international cycle competition Tour de Korea 스포츠체험관 품질요인이 대회인식에 미치는 영향
이정학JeoungHakLee , 문개성KaeSungMoon
The purpose of the study was to examine the effect to a sport experience exhibition quality of 'Tour de Korea international cycle' on the recognition of sport event. This study analyzed a survey answered by an availability sample of 432 people who were participated in SPOEX 2009 that was in COEX. SPSS 12.0 were utilized to conduct frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, regression analysis. The result of this study are: (1) A sport experience exhibition quality positively influences the recognition of meeting. In particular, publicity quality factor has more significant contribution to the recognition of meeting than equipment quality factor. (2) A sport experience exhibition quality positively influences the recognition of meeting difference, conference and conviction. (3) In terms of equipment quality factor influences the recognition of meeting. In particular, the exterior design was found to be the most significant factor of the recognition of meeting followed by the image equipment and the interior. (4) In terms of publicity quality factor, the staff who has the knowledge and kindness.
Key Words
a sport experience exhibition quality, the recognition of sport event
The effect of spectator`s perceived benefit sought on sponsorship effect through identification 프로스포츠 관중이 지각하는 추구편익이 동일시를 통해서 스폰서십효과에 미치는 영향
48(5) 239-253, 2009
The effect of spectator`s perceived benefit sought on sponsorship effect through identification 프로스포츠 관중이 지각하는 추구편익이 동일시를 통해서 스폰서십효과에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this research was to explain the structural equation model on how pro-sports spectator's benefit sought operates on sponsorship effect. This research set the spectators who watch pro-soccer, pro-baseball and pro-basketball games of 31 teams[10 pro-basketball teams, 13 pro-soccer teams and 8 pro-baseball teams] as its survey target. This research sampled a total of 3,100 copies by collecting 100 copies at each stadium where 31 teams play home games using cluster convenient sampling method. This research used 2,899 questionnaires as a final valid sample excepting 201 copies that were judged to be not appropriate as a data. For data processing, this research tested goodness of fit of model and each hypothesis using SPSSWIN Ver.14.0 and AMOS 7.0 programs and the results are as follows: First, benefit sought[pursuit of excitement, pursuit of breaking from daily routine, and pursuit of socializing] was found to have a significant effect on the perceived value. Second, the perceived value was found to have a significant effect on viewing satisfaction. Third, viewing satisfaction had a significant effect on team identification. Fourth, team identification had a significant effect on sponsor identification. Fifth, sponsor identification had a significant effect on corporate image. Sixth, corporate image had a significant effect on attitude toward brand.
Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis and Latent mean analysis of korea Leisure satisfaction scale 한국형 여가만족척도의 다집단(Multi-Group)분석과 잠재평균
48(5) 255-264, 2009
Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis and Latent mean analysis of korea Leisure satisfaction scale 한국형 여가만족척도의 다집단(Multi-Group)분석과 잠재평균
The purpose of this study was to investigate leisure satisfaction scale construct validity and to verify change of factor pattern with gender using multi-group factor invariance analysis. To carry out this research, used 441 university students(male261, female 180). The data from this study were analyzed using SPSS 15.0 for common factor analysis of exploratory factor analysis; using AMOS 7.0 for confirmatory factor analysis and chi-square test of multi-group analysis. The results of this study were as following; first, the configural, metric, partial scalar invariance were satisfied for multi-group confirmatory factor analysis. Second, according to the latent mean analysis, social satisfaction factor latent mean was .22, physical satisfaction factor was .73, emotion satisfaction factor was .01, surrounding satisfaction factor was -.13, and education satisfaction factor was ―.09. Third, when it comes to effect size; social satisfaction factor .27, physical satisfaction factor .67, emotion satisfaction factor .01, surrounding satisfaction factor .19 and education satisfaction factor was .18.
Key Words
Leisure satisfaction scale, multi-group, Latent mean analysis, invariance, factor analysis
Relationship between Leisure sport activity, job stress, social support and subjective well-being among security agents 시큐리티 요원의 여가스포츠활동과 직무스트레스, 사회적 지지 및 주관적 안녕감의 관계
Relationship between Leisure sport activity, job stress, social support and subjective well-being among security agents 시큐리티 요원의 여가스포츠활동과 직무스트레스, 사회적 지지 및 주관적 안녕감의 관계
The present study purported to investigate the relationship between leisure sport activity, job stress, social support and subjective well-being among security agents. In the companies working security agents of seoul area at 2009, 420 people to complete questionnaires was conducted to achieve these objectives and 387 people to the analysis of the data was ultimately used. The conclusion from hypothesis verified result through above procedure is this. First, the participation experience in leisure sports activities according to the stress was no difference. Second, the social support of participated group in leisure activities was higher than the group not participated. Third, the subjective well-being of participated group in leisure activities was higher than the group not participated. Fourth, the longer the period of participation in leisure sports activities effected to made that be low role, interpersonal relationships and job stress. Fifth, the social support of neighborhood was higher as more as increased in the frequency of leisure sports activities. Sixth, the subjective well-being was higher as more as increased in the frequency of leisure sports activities. Seventh, the participated proportions in leisure sports activities contribute directly to the subjective well-being, however, it reduced job stress, and made increase the social support. Thus, it is meaningful to the promotion of the social support to the role.
Key Words
security agents, Leisure sport activity, job stress, social support, subjective well-being
The effect of Leisure flow experience of masters swimmers on Leisure identity and psychological well-being 마스터즈 수영선수의 여가몰입경험이 여가정체성 및 심리적 웰빙에 미치는 영향
윤대현DaeHyunYun , 김진성JinSungKim
48(5) 277-287, 2009
The effect of Leisure flow experience of masters swimmers on Leisure identity and psychological well-being 마스터즈 수영선수의 여가몰입경험이 여가정체성 및 심리적 웰빙에 미치는 영향
윤대현DaeHyunYun , 김진성JinSungKim
This study aims to clarify the effects of leisure flow experience of masters swimmers on leisure identity and psychological wellbeing. The subject of this study was chosen from the participants in the masters swimming programs that run in the six sports centers in D metropolitan city from March 1st to April 5th 2009, using random stratified clustered sampling. According to the survey of 270 respondents, which was analyzed by correlation and multiple regression analysis, we found that the meaningful result was followed. First, it showed that leisure flow experienced on taking part in the masters swimming had a positive influence on leisure identity. In other words, immersed in swimming, swimmers tended to identify themselves with the activity of swimming to a high degree and respected themselves more. In addition to these, they showed a deep emotional affection for the activity. Second, the leisure flow experienced in the masters swimming had a meaningful effect on psychological wellbeing. That is, immersion in swimming makes swimmers accept their identity positively, enhance their autonomy. And this not only helps to develop the attitude to grow themselves but also contributes to self-control of positive relationships with others and situations around them. Finally, it showed that leisure identity of masters swimmers had an effect on the psychological wellbeing.
Grounded theoretical analysis on the process of Leisure constraints negotiation for married working women 기혼여성근로자의 여가제약 협상전략 과정에 관한 근거이론적 분석
김지영JiYoungKim , 이철원ChulWonLee
48(5) 289-299, 2009
Grounded theoretical analysis on the process of Leisure constraints negotiation for married working women 기혼여성근로자의 여가제약 협상전략 과정에 관한 근거이론적 분석
김지영JiYoungKim , 이철원ChulWonLee
The purpose of this study was to closely examine the leisure constraints and the process of negotiating strategy, and the study presented the categorization of the concept and the theoretical paradigm which are deduced by grounded theoretical approach. These formed ‘situational relations’. Reviewing the situational context and the relations of causal conditions, we founded that married working women come to have the traditional 'married feminine qualities' through the education internalizing sex role and the indirect effect of mass media, and experience the adaptation to the working environment reflecting sex role. Such causal factors affected married working women to form superwoman complex. Though the superwoman complex had intrapersonal, structural, and interpersonal constraints, they come to make efforts to adjust and solve them through behavioral and cognitive strategy for negotiation. Such negotiation strategy was deduced by the result that they adjust themselves in order to acquire the balance between works and homes. Thus, this study had the meaning that it comprehensively indicates the conditions constraining the leisure of married working women, the psychological attitudes, and the process of behavioral strategy to cope with these.
Key Words
married working women, Leisure constraints negotiation, grounded theory
Analysis of Leisure activity and Leisure constraints of workers in ulsan metropolitan city 울산광역시에 거주하는 대기업 근로자들의 여가활동과 여가제약 분석
48(5) 301-310, 2009
Analysis of Leisure activity and Leisure constraints of workers in ulsan metropolitan city 울산광역시에 거주하는 대기업 근로자들의 여가활동과 여가제약 분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze leisure activities and constraints of workers in Ulsan Metropolitan City. Participants were 230 workers obtained from 00Petrochemical Industry, 00Automobile Industry, and 00Shipbuilding Industry. Purposive sampling method was used and questionnaire was Leisure Constraints Scale developed by Raymore, Godbey, Crawford, & Von Eye(1993). Data analysis was frequence analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, independent sample t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The results were followed. First, leisure activities were walking/jogging, mountain climbing, bicycles, fishing, and soccer but also characteristics of workers were lack of variety and balance, to be more Gemeinschaft's leisure feature. Second, Mean of leisure constraints of workers were 2.44, and structural constraints more important than inter/intra-personal constraints, besides inter-personal leisure constraints were new approach in research of workers. Third, there was some differences of structural leisure constraints by type of work statistically.
The components of dance interest as a motivational variable: personal and situational interest 동기 변인으로서 무용흥미 구성요인: 개인적-상황적 흥미
박중길JungGilPark , 이숙재SookJaeLee , 성아름AReumSeoung
48(5) 311-325, 2009
The components of dance interest as a motivational variable: personal and situational interest 동기 변인으로서 무용흥미 구성요인: 개인적-상황적 흥미
박중길JungGilPark , 이숙재SookJaeLee , 성아름AReumSeoung
The purpose of the study was to explore what constitute personal and situational interest in context of dance class as a motivational variables. 294 college dance students (20 males, 274 females) answered to an open-ended questionnaire with 2 items. The results of content analysis on raw materials showed that personal interest in dance were classified by sis components such as cognitive needs(30.55%), personal relatedness(22.91%), positive emotion(16.09%), perception og competence(15.98%), mastering skills(7.99%), and others(6.46%). The factors of Situational interest were constituted by 8 components, including effective instruction(36.05%), task learning and performance(25.77%), positive learning environments (14.12%), participatory activity(8.18%), balance of the body(5.08%), positive emotion(3.96%), outcome expectancy(3.96%), and others(3.96%). Therefore, the results of this research were discussed with some suggestions applicable to dance education and future directions in relation on the basis of a taxonomy of personal and situational interest theorized by Schraw and Lehamn(2001).
Key Words
dance education, instruction, personal interest, situational interest, motivation
A study about the characteristics and effect of zen dance as a healing dance 치유무용으로서 선무의 특성과 효과에 관한 소고(小考)
권영균YoungKyunKwon , 이지항JiHangLee
48(5) 327-336, 2009
A study about the characteristics and effect of zen dance as a healing dance 치유무용으로서 선무의 특성과 효과에 관한 소고(小考)
권영균YoungKyunKwon , 이지항JiHangLee
People living in the modem times suffer from countless maladies caused by stress. As a result, much effort is put into maintaining or recovering the health of the mind and body. In the past there is no effective therapy healing the mental and physical health together. However in recent time such a few therapies arc introduced. Regardless whether sick or healthy, it is important for everyone to choose the cure most effective for their healing both physical and mentally, and the body and mind have close connection, so those two should be healed together. Zen healing dance as one of the healing therapy is a movement meditation that bring together the element of dance and meditation for physical and mental health in recent times. In this study, we will examine the different forms of Zen dance that exist as dance therapy and the theoretical and philosophical foundation that lay behind them. Through this study, we aim to understand the value of Zen dance as healing dance in the modern society, and the role it plays in the cultural sector.
Key Words
Zen healing dance, meditation, mudra
The influence of teaching behavior styles on dance commitment and satisfaction among college dancers 교수행동유형이 대학무용전공자의 무용몰입과 수업만족에 미치는 영향
유진JinYoo , 백민경MinKyungBack
48(5) 337-346, 2009
The influence of teaching behavior styles on dance commitment and satisfaction among college dancers 교수행동유형이 대학무용전공자의 무용몰입과 수업만족에 미치는 영향
유진JinYoo , 백민경MinKyungBack
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of teaching behaviors upon dance commitment and satisfaction among students who were majoring in dance in university. A battery of questionnaires assessing teaching behaviors styles(training/instuction, democratic, autocratic, social support, positive feedback), dance commitment(cognitive, behavioral), and dance satisfaction(teaching, environment) were administered into 359 college dancers in Seoul and Gyeonggi areas. The results of multiple regression indicated that training/instruction and democratic behaviors significantly influenced both cognitive and behavioral commitment. Autocratictment. Autnegatively predicted cognitive commitment, but didtnot influence behavioral commitment. Democratic behavior and social support significantly predicted behavioral commitment, but didtnot predict cognitive commitment. Furthermore, democratic behavior and social support significantly influenced both teaching and environmental satisfactions. Training/instruction was a significant predictor of dance environmental satisfaction, and autocratictment. Autsignificantly and negatively predicted only teaching satisfaction in dance class. These results were discussed with previous studies with regard to dance learning situations.
Key Words
Teaching Action, Immersion in Dance, Satisfaction of Lesson, Physical Education
The effect of spectator`s satisfaction based on service quality of dance theater on intention of oral propagation 무용 공연장의 서비스 품질에 따른 관람객 만족이 구전의도에 미치는 영향
한진희JinHeeHan , 조광민KwangMinCho , 석부길BooGilSeok
48(5) 347-356, 2009
The effect of spectator`s satisfaction based on service quality of dance theater on intention of oral propagation 무용 공연장의 서비스 품질에 따른 관람객 만족이 구전의도에 미치는 영향
한진희JinHeeHan , 조광민KwangMinCho , 석부길BooGilSeok
This study purports to present the data necessary for marketers to revitalize dance performance, by analyzing the effect of spectator's satisfaction based on service quality of dance theater on intention of oral propagation. For this purpose, this study was conducted to 286 spectators who participated in the dance theaters in Seoul city. For the analysis of data, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were used. The statistical significance level was set at α<.05. The research results are as per the below. First, theater facilities, staff members, a work of performance, an easy approach had significant influence on customer satisfaction. Secondly, theater facilities, staff members, a work of performance had significant influence on intention of oral propagation. Third, customer satisfaction had significant influence on intention of oral propagation.
Key Words
service quality, customer satisfaction, intention of oral propagation
The recognition and the Life satisfaction of Liberal dance education in university students 교양무용수업 참여 대학생의 인식도와 생활만족도 변화
남진희JinHeeNam , 최미선MiSunChoi
48(5) 357-364, 2009
The recognition and the Life satisfaction of Liberal dance education in university students 교양무용수업 참여 대학생의 인식도와 생활만족도 변화
남진희JinHeeNam , 최미선MiSunChoi
The purpose of this study is to find out the recognition and the life satisfaction of liberal dance education in university students. To achieve the purpose, the date is collected to 222 university students who are attending lecture of cultural dance as convenient sampling. The result and conclusion of this study is following. First, the distinction of sexis that the woman's participation is higher than the man. Second, following this survey, as the recognition and the life satisfaction, the highest is the second year students. Third, the literary course of university is the highest in the recognition and the life satisfaction. Forth, the students having a family that is major dance sport have the best of the recognition and the life satisfaction. Fifth, students have the experience of a dance public performance have the highest recognition and the life satisfaction. Sixth, the motive of participation is the invitation of students who attended before, and curiosity and interest makes the life satisfaction higher. Last, the participation of the culture dance education class is thought that everyone should do, and is thought very population. The life satisfaction is also thought stage dance sport just to show. Accordingly, the result of this study will develop the recognition and the life satisfaction to student taking part in the liberal dance education, and this result will support to make organized and detailed system for the liberal dance education in university students.
Key Words
recognition, Life satisfaction, Liberal dance education, the motive of participation
An analysis of factors in withdrawal from dance, searching desires for other jobs, and social-psychological factors to inhibit those desires 무용전공생이 인식하는 중도탈락 유발요인과 다른 직업의 탐색 및 이를 저해하는 사회심리적 요인 분석
이진효JinHyoLee , 이진희JinHeeLee , 남상우SangWooNam
48(5) 365-372, 2009
An analysis of factors in withdrawal from dance, searching desires for other jobs, and social-psychological factors to inhibit those desires 무용전공생이 인식하는 중도탈락 유발요인과 다른 직업의 탐색 및 이를 저해하는 사회심리적 요인 분석
이진효JinHyoLee , 이진희JinHeeLee , 남상우SangWooNam
This study aims to understand the course consciousness of college students who major in dance. We analyzed when they want to give up their major, what kind of life they desire for afterward and what the factors to inhibit those desires are. The subject of this study was 95 dance major undergraduates of three universities located in S city and D city. We had an interview with them and analyzed the result inductively. We asked them some questions such as, 'why do you want to give up your major?', 'If you stop dancing, what do you want to do?' and 'Nevertheless, why can't you give up dancing?' After analyzing their answers, we found following several meaningful results. First, there are three factors that make dancers give up their major: personal factors, environmental factors and interactive relationship factors. Among these, although personal factors consist of large portions in motivation of withdrawal, another factors such as environmental ones also had some significant effects on the thought on withdrawal. Second, information about what is an alternative job for their dance activity showed us four general domain - jobs related with dance, general jobs, jobs for service and other art-related jobs. Third, result about an analysis of why did they transform their job domain from dance to other part told us that personal factors such as lack of individual ability or confidence, a full of satisfaction with dance were dominant for that reason.
Change in physical activity, body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness of men aged 20-75 years 우리나라 성인의 신체활동과 신체구성 및 심폐체력 추이 연구 -20-75세의 서울 및 경기지역 남자 중심으로-
조현철HyunChulCho , 김종규JongKyuKim
48(5) 377-386, 2009
Change in physical activity, body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness of men aged 20-75 years 우리나라 성인의 신체활동과 신체구성 및 심폐체력 추이 연구 -20-75세의 서울 및 경기지역 남자 중심으로-
조현철HyunChulCho , 김종규JongKyuKim
The aims of the present study were to assess the change in physical activity, body composition, and cardiorepiratory fitness of men, and to determine how these variables relate to age. The cross-sectional sample consisted of 1188 men aged 20 - 75 years. Maximal oxygen uptake was determined by indirect calorimetry during a maximal exercise test on an graded exercise test. Participants in higher physical activity were younger and have higher lean mass, lower fat percent. Furthermore, participants with higher physical activity have higher cardiorespiratory fitness. Linear regression defined the cross-sectional age-related decline in physical activity expenditure time and maximal oxygen uptake as 2.386 min/year and 0.215 ml/kg/min/year, respectively. Multiple regression analysis showed that this cross-sectional decline in maximal oxygen uptake was due to fat percent, fat free mass, age and physical activity. Adding fat percent and physical activity to the multiple regression models reduced the age regression maximal oxygen uptake from 0.5 ml/kg/min. We conclude that 200-300min/week of physical activity in age and body composition are independent determinants of cardiorespiratory fitness.
Physiological responses to graded exercise and isokinetic muscle movement in national disabled shooters 척수손상 수준에 따른 국가대표 장애인 사격선수의 유산소성 능력 및 상지근력 평가에 관한 연구
김정훈JungHoonKim , 이문진MoonJinLee
48(5) 387-399, 2009
Physiological responses to graded exercise and isokinetic muscle movement in national disabled shooters 척수손상 수준에 따른 국가대표 장애인 사격선수의 유산소성 능력 및 상지근력 평가에 관한 연구
김정훈JungHoonKim , 이문진MoonJinLee
The ability to independently ambulate is a primary goal of many persons and disabled shooters with spinal cord injury (SCI). Interestingly, few data describe aerobic capacity and upper extremity muscle strength in elite disable shooters with SCI As such, the purposes of this study were to evaluate physiological response to graded exercise test by using arm crank ergometer (ACE) and isokinetic muscle strength for upper limb in national male disabled shooters with spinal cord injury(SCI) Subjects for this study were divided into two groups depending on position for spinal cord injury (i.e., HINJ & LINJ: disblaed shooters whose areas for spinal cord injury is higher and lower than T6, respectively. As a result of testing aerobic capability through ACE, VO2peak & Ventilation in LINJ were higher than HINJ and HRpeak & arm exercise time were tended to be higher in LINJ vs. HINJ. Isokinetic muscle strength was also compared between the two groups. As a result, LINJ showed higher muscle strength for shoulder flexor than HINJ and other variables tended to be higher in LINJ. Taken together, national disabled shooters for LINJ, whose injury position for SCI was higher, showed less aerobic capacity and muscle strength than HINJ.
Key Words
Arm Grank Ergometer, Isokinetic Muscle Strength, Spinal Cord Injury, National Disabled Shooters
Effect of 12-week aquatic exercise on weight, percent body fat, serum glucose, and serum Lipids on elderly women 12주간 수중운동이 노인여성의 체중, 체지방율, 혈당 및 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
이명천MyungChunLee , 장유정YouJungJang
48(5) 401-409, 2009
Effect of 12-week aquatic exercise on weight, percent body fat, serum glucose, and serum Lipids on elderly women 12주간 수중운동이 노인여성의 체중, 체지방율, 혈당 및 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
이명천MyungChunLee , 장유정YouJungJang
This study was designed to confirm whether aquatic exercise has positive effect on obesity and serum lipid levels on elderly women, especially whose LDL-cholesterol level was already high. The subjects were 63 years-old or older, whose percent body fat (PBF) was 30% or higher, and whose LDL-cholesterol was 130mg/dl or higher (borderline high). The exercise program was 12-week course with 50 minutes work-out, three times a week. Weight, PBF, serum glucose, and serum lipid (total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol) levels were measured before and after 12-week exercise and nonparametric test (Kruskal-Wallis, Wilcoxon's signed rank test) was used for statistical analysis. Total cholesterol (P=0.031) and LDL-cholesterol (P=0.031) level decreased but triglyceride level increased (P=0.031). PBF, serum glucose, and HDL-cholesterol level decreased but with no statistical significance. This study showed that 12-week aquatic exercise alone normalizes LDL-cholesterol levels without any medication or diet modification on elderly women whose LDL-cholesterol was high. It also showed that exercise alone cannot reduce triglyceride level suggesting the need of diet modification.
Key Words
aquatic exercise, LDL-cholesterol
The effects of commute with public transportation on obesity, health-related physical fitness & metabolic syndrome risk factors in middle-aged overweight men for 12 weeks 12주간의 대중교통을 이용한 통근이 과체중 중년남성의 비만, 건강관련체력과 대사증후군 위험요인에 미치는 영향
48(5) 411-420, 2009
The effects of commute with public transportation on obesity, health-related physical fitness & metabolic syndrome risk factors in middle-aged overweight men for 12 weeks 12주간의 대중교통을 이용한 통근이 과체중 중년남성의 비만, 건강관련체력과 대사증후군 위험요인에 미치는 영향
The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of commute with public transportation on obesity, health-related physical fitness and metabolic syndrome risk factors in middle-aged overweight men for 12 weeks. For this reasons, Thirty four middle-aged overweight men(control group: n=17; treatment group: n=17) volunteered to participate in and completed the study. Main results of the present study were as follows: 1) There was a significantly increased steps per day in treatment group than control group. 2) There were significant interactions between group and test in following the 12 weeks of interventions in body weight, BMI and % body fat. 3) For health-related physical fitness test, cardiorespiratory fitness and flexibility were significantly increased in treatment group. 3) Regarding metabolic syndrome risk factors, there were significant interactions between group and test in waist circumference, HDL, and glucose following the 12 weeks of interventions. Also, all variables significantly improved in treatment group. It was concluded that commute with public transportation has positive effect on promoting physical activity levels in middle-aged overweight men.
Kinematic analysis of tennis serve return motion 테니스 서브 리턴 동작의 운동학적 분석
강상학SangHackKang , 윤상문SangMoonYoon
48(5) 421-430, 2009
Kinematic analysis of tennis serve return motion 테니스 서브 리턴 동작의 운동학적 분석
강상학SangHackKang , 윤상문SangMoonYoon
This study analyzed the kinematic variables of tennis serve return motion in a tennis team that had won the championship in the National Sports Meet. The subjects were 6 female high school tennis players, and their forehand stroke serve returns were analyzed in terms of swing angle, swing path, and swing posture. The racket face made a 70° with the ground at the moment when the racket head was passing the lowest point in service return, and almost 92° at the moment of impact. The inclination of the racket at the moment when the racket head reached the lowest point was maintained through a forward swing, and at the moment of impact the body inclined 9° toward the ground. At the lowest point of the racket head, shoulder joint angle was 20° and the elbow was far from the flank. Grip angle and elbow joint angle at the moment of impact were 123°, the angle of the stance was 66°, and the knee joint on the side holding the racket was bent more in order to place most of body weight on the fore foot. The height of the racket head was 99%H in the take-back posture, 48%H at the lowest point, and 62%H or around the height of the navel at the moment of impact. The side-to-side distance of impact was 40%H and the front-to-rear distance was 28%H, showing that impact was made generally quite ahead.
Key Words
tennis, forehand stroke, serve returns
Analysis of the trunk motion during the iron swing of elite golf player 엘리트 골프 선수들의 아이언 스윙 시 몸통 움직임에 관한 연구
신성휴SeongHyooShin , 김상규SangKyuKim
48(5) 431-438, 2009
Analysis of the trunk motion during the iron swing of elite golf player 엘리트 골프 선수들의 아이언 스윙 시 몸통 움직임에 관한 연구
신성휴SeongHyooShin , 김상규SangKyuKim
The key of a successful golf swing to a target was an accurate impact. Novice golfers experienced difficulties, due to the complicate coordination of the mobility system formed by the trunk and arms, in performing the backswing and downswing. Before an impact of golf swing, the trunk flexion not only did not presented largely, but also the pelvic backward tilt extremely from muscle contraction. These results were considered as that the angle of trunk flexion was similar to golf address at an impact. To get these data, we analyzed in coordination pattern of 3-dimension trunk movement from at the end of backswing to an impact and showed 2-dimension curve's coefficient about the coordinating pattern of the left/right rotation, flexion, and extension. This coefficient had at constant tendency. Thus, this result may offer an appraisal standard of golf swing motion as well as an useful way to be separated from an accurate swing to an inaccurate swing, also expect constantly golf-participation-induct as leisure sport and injury prevention.
Key Words
Golf swing, Trunk movement, Impact, Coefficient
Effects of swing improvement training program on the muscle activity during the t-bar swing in down syndrome`s children 치기 활동 프로그램이 다운증후군 아동의 T-bar 치기 활동 시 근육활동에 미치는 영향
Effects of swing improvement training program on the muscle activity during the t-bar swing in down syndrome`s children 치기 활동 프로그램이 다운증후군 아동의 T-bar 치기 활동 시 근육활동에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of swing improvement training program on the muscle activities of pectoralis major, upper serratus, lat dorsi, anterior deltoid, rhomboids, infraspinatus, and posterior deltoid using Noraxon 8 channels EMG system during T-bar swing in children with Down syndrome. Five down syndrome were participated in the study. The participant with down syndrome participated in swing training program for 12 weeks, two times a week, 50 minutes per one time. After training, down syndrome's children showed reduced muscle activity of right and left upper body at address-back swing and back swing-impact swing phase. On the contrary, they showed increased pectoralis major, upper serratus, anterior deltoid, infraspinatus muscle activity of right and left upper body at impact-follow throw swing phase. In conclusion, swing improvement training program for 12 weeks help to improve T-bar swing movement in down syndrome's children.
Key Words
T-bar swing, training, muscle activity, Down syndrome
Shock absorption and motion control of badminton shoes during Lunge and Landing from jump 배드민턴 런지와 착지 동작 시 배드민턴화의 충격흡수와 동작제어
박승범SeungBumPark , 박상균SangKyoonPark
48(5) 445-452, 2009
Shock absorption and motion control of badminton shoes during Lunge and Landing from jump 배드민턴 런지와 착지 동작 시 배드민턴화의 충격흡수와 동작제어
박승범SeungBumPark , 박상균SangKyoonPark
The purpose of this study was to investigate cushioning and stability of three different badminton shoes (A, B, C) during badminton movements. Five healthy male subjects and three footwear conditions were used in this study. Ground reaction force and high speed video data were collected while the subjects performed a forward Lunge movement with a heel landing and a backward Jump movement with a forefoot landing. The cushioning of B badminton shoe is better than A badminton shoe. The forces were generally lower for B shoe and very comparable to C badminton shoe. Nominal average force differences of typically less than 50N were seen between B and C shoes. The ROM and the slippage in the shoe showed that B shoe was inferior to the other two shoes. There was both a large ROM of ankle plantar-flexion and more movement of the foot within the shoe in B shoe. It is speculated that an increase in height of th shoe may lead to the increased slippage and the lack of stability. It is recommended that in order to improve the shoe in the future, focus should be given to making it closer to the ground(lower profile).
Key Words
shock absorption, cushioning, ROM, range of motion, motion control, ankle plantar-flexion, slippage
Responsiveness in knee joint Laxity during the menstrual cycle and its relationship with knee joint Loads during athletic movements 무릎관절의 느슨함 반응 형태와 스포츠 동작 간 무릎관절 부하와의 관계
48(5) 453-461, 2009
Responsiveness in knee joint Laxity during the menstrual cycle and its relationship with knee joint Loads during athletic movements 무릎관절의 느슨함 반응 형태와 스포츠 동작 간 무릎관절 부하와의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether subsets of females exist who show or do not show changes in knee joint laxity during the menstrual cycle and their relationship with knee joint loads during various athletic movement such as cutting maneuver, jumping & landing and jumping & stopping. 26 healthy females were participated in the study. Their hormonal levels were analyzed and knee joint laxity were measured using KT-2000 in the follicular, ovulation and luteal phase. Kinematic and kinetic data were collected during movement testing at the same intervals. Subjects (responders) who increase knee joint laxity from the follicular phase to ovulation showed increased peak knee joint moment while subjects(non-responders) who decrease knee joint laxity during the same interval showed decreased peak knee joint moment. We concluded that responsiveness in knee joint laxity during the menstrual cycle is associated with changes in knee joint moments in tested females during selected athletic movements.
Key Words
joint Laxity, female hormone, ACL injury, joint moment
The kinematic analysis of the Last stride and takeoff phase a classified performance in the male`s Long jump 남자 멀리뛰기 경기력별 마지막 스트라이드와 발 구름동작에 대한 운동학적 분석
48(5) 463-471, 2009
The kinematic analysis of the Last stride and takeoff phase a classified performance in the male`s Long jump 남자 멀리뛰기 경기력별 마지막 스트라이드와 발 구름동작에 대한 운동학적 분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematic factors during the transition from approach to takeoff in the long jump. For this study, kinematic data were collected using video camera(60Hz). All the subjects divided into three groups(High, Middle, Low group) to the difference of recorder. The analysis phase restricted from the last stride approach landing to the takeoff motion. Coordinate data were filtered using a fourth-order Butterworth method with cutoff frequency of 6Hz. Each analyzed kinematic variables was used to compare features between three groups. The conclusions were as follows; 1) The high group showed a shortly stride length in the last approach phase and a big vertical displacement of the center of gravity(COG) in the takeoff phase. 2) The high group showed a small change in the horizontal velocity of the center of gravity(COG) during the takeoff phase. 3) The high group showed a big projection angle as the effect of a shortly stride length at the approach phase. When the stride length of the approach is short, the trunk angle and the body angle are close to the vertical axis during the take-off motion. Consequently, At the instant of takeoff increase the projection angle. Therefore, For the improve of the recorder, it was represented that the subjects adjust the stride length of the approach to pertinent length according to themselves' stature.
Key Words
cog, approach, takeoff, projection angle
Effect of volunteer participation in adapted physical activity on inclusion, value of physical activity and intention of re-participation among university students majoring physical education 체육계열 대학생의 장애아동 체육교실 봉사활동 참여가 통합교육과 체육활동가치인식 및 재참여의사에 미치는 영향
김지태JiTaeKim , 강은영EunYoungKang
48(5) 473-483, 2009
Effect of volunteer participation in adapted physical activity on inclusion, value of physical activity and intention of re-participation among university students majoring physical education 체육계열 대학생의 장애아동 체육교실 봉사활동 참여가 통합교육과 체육활동가치인식 및 재참여의사에 미치는 영향
김지태JiTaeKim , 강은영EunYoungKang
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of volunteer participation in adapted physical activity on inclusion, the value of physical activity, and intention of re-participation among university students majoring physical education. To achieve the objective of this study, 385 university students who are running physical class of disabled children in Seoul-si, Kyungki-do, Chungchung-nam-do from 11, 2008 to 4, 2009 were investigated with purposive sampling method. T-test, one way ANOVA, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis with SPSS Window Version 14.0. were used. With the processes, following conclusions were made. First, there were differences of recognition of inclusive education, recognition of the value of physical education, and the decision of re-participation depending on whether they took part in the adapted physical activity class for the disabled children. Second, there were meaningful differences on the decision of re-participation relying on whether they had experiences on volunteer work or special education among the university students’ background. Third, the study showed that the ability to move and instructional method among the participants’ recognition of inclusive education had influence on their intention to re-participation. However the recognition of the value of physical activity hadn't effects on the intention for them to take part in the volunteer work.
Key Words
volunteer, inclusion, value of physical activity, intention of re-participation
The analysis of prediction of fundamental motor skills through visual perceptual coordination in children with down syndrome 다운증후군 아동의 시지각협응력을 통한 기본운동기술 수행력 예측 분석
강유석YooSeokKang , 김용국YoungKukKim
48(5) 485-494, 2009
The analysis of prediction of fundamental motor skills through visual perceptual coordination in children with down syndrome 다운증후군 아동의 시지각협응력을 통한 기본운동기술 수행력 예측 분석
강유석YooSeokKang , 김용국YoungKukKim
The purpose of the study was to analyze the element of visual perceptual coordination which influence on sub-domains of object control skills and locomotor skills in children with Down syndrome(DS). For this study, 87 children with DS(6.3 to 11.7 years) in Seoul and Kyung-ki province were selected by purposive sampling. Test of Gross Motor Development-Second Edition(TGMD-Ⅱ) by Ulrich(2000) was applied for testing fundamental motor skills and bassin anticipation timer(Lafayette Co., model 31201) and whole body reaction tester(Dongwha Co., model YB-1A) were used for testing visual perceptual coordination. The results of the study were as follows; First, visual perceptual coordination had a significantly positive influence on object control skills and locomotor skills. Second, eye-hand anticipation had a positive influence on all sub-skills of object control skills except for kicking and eye-foot response time had a positive influence on all sub-skills of locomotor skills except for hopping. These results were discussed in terms of early intervention programs for children with DS.
Key Words
down syndrome, visual perceptual coordination, fundamental motor skills
The effects of administration of L-arginine on nitric oxide synthase expression, glycogen concentration in skeletal muscle, and exhaustion time L-arginine 투여가 골격근의 산화질소 합성 효소 발현과 글리코겐 농도 및 운동지속시간에 미치는 영향
최성근SungKeunChoi , 박석SokPark , 이천호CheonHoLee
48(5) 495-506, 2009
The effects of administration of L-arginine on nitric oxide synthase expression, glycogen concentration in skeletal muscle, and exhaustion time L-arginine 투여가 골격근의 산화질소 합성 효소 발현과 글리코겐 농도 및 운동지속시간에 미치는 영향
최성근SungKeunChoi , 박석SokPark , 이천호CheonHoLee
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of L-arginine’s prolonged administration on the exhaustion time. We divided 36 Sprague-Dawley rats equally into three groups containing the control group, L-arginine treated group and L-NMMA treated group. Every day on 9 am during the six weeks period, we performed oral administration on L-arginine treated group and L-NMMA treated group by giving 10 mg/kg/day of L-aragine and 5 mg/kg/day of L-NMMA. After the research, we found that L-arginine treated group showed significant increase on concentrationof insulin and glucose, whereas L-NMMA treated group showed significant decrease on concentration of insulin and glucose. In addition, L-arginine treated group showed significant increase on glycogen, glycogen synthase, NO, and nitric oxide synthase expression in the gastrocnemius muscle and soleus muscle; whereas L-NMMA treated group showed significant decrease on glycogen, glycogen synthase, NO, and nitric oxide synthase expression. The amount of exhaustion time was ordered as follows: L-arginine treated group, Control group, and L-NMMA treated group. Our results suggested that prolonged administration of L-arginnine increased the nitric oxide synthase expression. This also increased the NO production, which work as a mediator of glucose uptake in skeletal muscle. As a result of increase in nitric oxide, we were able to prove a significant increase in exhaustion time.
The effects of endurance training combined with anti-diabetic dug on the expression of MyoD, myogenin, mTOR, and p-FOXO3 in the skeletal muscle of diabetic induced-rats 항 당뇨 약물과 유산소성 트레이닝의 병행 처치가 당뇨병이 유발된 쥐의 골격근내 MyoD, myogenin, mTOR, 및 p-FOXO3 protein의 발현에 미치는 영향
48(5) 507-516, 2009
The effects of endurance training combined with anti-diabetic dug on the expression of MyoD, myogenin, mTOR, and p-FOXO3 in the skeletal muscle of diabetic induced-rats 항 당뇨 약물과 유산소성 트레이닝의 병행 처치가 당뇨병이 유발된 쥐의 골격근내 MyoD, myogenin, mTOR, 및 p-FOXO3 protein의 발현에 미치는 영향
The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of MyoD, myogenin, mTOR, and p-FOXO3 protein in the skeletal muscle of diabetic induced-rats by endurance training combined with rosiglitazone. The expression of MyoD, myogenin, mTOR, and p-FOXO3 protein in red and white gastrocnemius muscle by western blotting. The expression of MyoD, myogenin and mTOR in gastrocnemius muscle of diabetic induced-rats were decreased , while increased significantly in the group with exercise combined with rosiglitazone. The expression of p-FOXO3 protein in the gastrocnemius muscle of diabetic induced-rats were increased but other groups were redeced. These results suggest that exercise training and rosiglitazone may act as the positive effect for the repair and growth of skeletal muscle in diabetic induced-rats.
The effect of aquatic exercise during 16weeks on cognitive abilities and blood neurotransmitter concentration in stroke patients 장기간 수중재활 운동이 뇌졸중 노인의 인지감각 능력과 신경전달물질에 미치는 영향
구광수KwangSooKoo , 이강헌GangHunLee
48(5) 517-522, 2009
The effect of aquatic exercise during 16weeks on cognitive abilities and blood neurotransmitter concentration in stroke patients 장기간 수중재활 운동이 뇌졸중 노인의 인지감각 능력과 신경전달물질에 미치는 영향
구광수KwangSooKoo , 이강헌GangHunLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of aquatic exercise on the changes of cognitive abilities and blood neurotransmitter in stroke patients. The subjects were stroke patients who were participating in the aquatic training program during 16weeks at rehabilitation center. Subjects were test for cognitive abilities with MMSE-K(mini mental state examination- korea version). Blood samples for dopamine and serotonin were taken from antecubital vein in rest. All data were analyzed by ANOVA with repeated measures of SPSS. The results were as follows : The changes of MMSE-K and blood serotonin level on the effects of aquatic training were significant difference between control and training group. In conclusion, cognitive abliities and blood neurotransmitter in after training was significant improve than before training for stroke patients.
The effect of rehabilitation training program during 8weeks after ACL reconstruction on muscle function & proprioception in the knee 전방십자인대 수술 후 8주간 단계별 재활 훈련프로그램이 슬관절 근 기능과 고유수용감각에 미치는 영향
이학송HakSongLee , 임인수InSooLim
48(5) 523-533, 2009
The effect of rehabilitation training program during 8weeks after ACL reconstruction on muscle function & proprioception in the knee 전방십자인대 수술 후 8주간 단계별 재활 훈련프로그램이 슬관절 근 기능과 고유수용감각에 미치는 영향
이학송HakSongLee , 임인수InSooLim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of muscle function & proprioception in ACL reconstruction patients during 8 weeks rehabilitation program. Subject were divided into training group and control group. This test has reached below outcomes about muscle function(PT/BW, TW and ATP of angular velocity 60˚ & 180˚, A/A ratio) and proprioception in the knee based on 8 weeks training of 20 ACL reconstruction patients. The results were as follows : on the uninvolved, the muscle function was no significantly differences between group. However, the muscle function on the involved was showed significantly differences between group . Both the uninvolved and the involved was no significantly differences between group. The proprioception was showed significantly differences between group in angle 15˚ of the knee. In conclusion, the training group(rehabilitation exercise) had better improvement in muscle function & proprioception rather than the control group(physical treatment or home exercise). Especially, isokinetic exercise on the involved was effective muscle strength improvement. The result of this effect suggest that the proprioception be important role to construct the knee stability after muscle strength improvement. Therefore, 8 weeks rehabilitation including improvement of muscle strength & proprioception for subjects with ACL reconstruction was showed effectively the recovery of injured ACL.
Key Words
Rehabilitation Training Program, ACL, Reconstruction, Proprioception
The effect on the chidren`s development of sociality by types and Level of participation in extracurriculum sports 아동의 방과 후 스포츠 종목과 참여 수준이 사회성 발달에 미치는 영향
48(5) 535-545, 2009
The effect on the chidren`s development of sociality by types and Level of participation in extracurriculum sports 아동의 방과 후 스포츠 종목과 참여 수준이 사회성 발달에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to analyse the effect on children's sociality development by types and level of participation. The subjects are lower(1, 2), middle(3, 4) and higher grades'(5, 6) elementary school students(n=884; male=500, female=384) sampled by random cluster methods from D metropolitan city. Questionnaire are modified Jung's(1971) sociality test in personality. There are types of sports, which are preferred, learned, and learning sports. The levels of sports are periods learned, frequency per week, and confidence. The sociality are rule respect, cooperativeness, activity, sociability, and autonomy. Statistics are multiple regression and parameter factor analysis. We conclude that there is gender difference in only cooperativeness, boy's higher than girl's. And in 5 factors of sociality, lower grade's sociality is higher than high grade. There is no difference sports participations type of learned, and learning sports, but preferred sports is differ. In cooperativeness, activity and sociability of children sociality, preferred sports(ball game, Taekwondo or personal activity) group is higher than have no group. High confidence's of activity have higher sociality than low group. More frequence per week has higher sociality than little. And cooperativeness is effected on learned sports above the 6 month.